Warriors All-Stars Review

Warriors All-Stars suffers from poor storytelling and lacks innovation, but its solid musou gameplay and diverse cast of characters will keep players glued to the screen for countless hours.

Full review after the jump.

Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada Review

Omega Force’s Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada mixes tried and true gameplay elements with a number of noticeable improvements and an excellent story, creating a title that may very well be the developers’ finest yet.

Full review after the jump.

Dragon Quest Heroes II Review

Dragon Quest Heroes II is a marked improvement over its prequel, removing divisive elements and introducing an online co-op mode and a big open world full of side content to explore.

Full review after the jump.

Toukiden 2 Review

Toukiden 2 Review

Toukiden 2 is a step forward for the monster hunting genre. The open world mechanics help reduce the tiresome grind present in similar titles to a minimum, and the story will keep players engaged until the end.

Full review after the jump.