Blendo Games Reveals Immersive Shooter Skin Deep

Today is a special day, because we just got word that Blendo Games is working on a new immersive FPS titled Skin Deep and set in a non-linear starship boarded by space pirates. Imagine Die Hard crossed with the Prey reboot and with some Quadrilateral Cowboy inventiveness behind everything. Yeah, I can’t wait either.

According to the Steam store page, Skin Deep will let us play as a special operative hired by insurance companies to keep valuables safe aboard massive starships crossing the darkness of space in the future. Cryogenically frozen before the trip starts, a pirate attack trips the alarm that activates our pod, setting us loose in a massive starship with only one objective: get rid of the invaders and protect the cargo.

Oh, remember when I said that Skin Deep has some Die Hard elements? Well, it seems the playable character is not wearing shoes, so they’ll get hurt by random things lying around the floor (like pieces of glass, for example). We also seem to have a bit of a sneezing problem.

Brendon Chung, mastermind behind Blendo Games, said that he plans to create a large starship with functioning systems that can be manipulated and sabotaged at will, so there will be plenty of time for Home Alone impressions as well.

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